Renee is a self-taught artist living in St. Louis.

Creating has always been a big part of my life. From the earliest days of my memory, I have dreamt of colorful worlds and ethereal characters. I started my art career like most do, in the confines of my art stoodz, crammed in a quiet basement with a fresh set of prismacolor colored pencils and a blank piece of paper. I remember feeling the fuzzy sparkle of butterflies in my stomach the first time I finished a piece of art that I had completely imagined in my own head. Those butterflies have never gone away. When your wildest dreams, your scariest thoughts, or most precious memories are brought to life in an actual tangible form, it can be daunting, magical, limitless. This is something I have only achieved with creating art.

Slowly, I started gathering the courage to share my art with other people. This became a window into a world I didn’t know existed. To share my heart with people who may understand it? That is a priceless feeling, and that is a big part of why I create. Art as a form of therapy? SIGN. ME. UP. I started to see through sadness and stress, and I drenched it all in bright colors, shiny gems, and tears of epoxy.

I live and work in St. Louis full time, and create as often as I can. Come share your stories with me. Let’s create in a world without limits.